As summer turns into its second half, blackcurrant berries are ripening on many farms. Since ancient times, homemakers have used them to make jams, preserves, dried or frozen. The blackcurrant juice is also optional. These berries reveal their maximum health benefits. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to eat or make blackcurrant juice at its growing peak. They are an unbeatable source of vitamin C!
Blackcurrant Juice Benefits
The main advantage of blackcurrants is that they contain several times more vitamin C than other berries. Blackcurrants are higher in vitamin C than even citrus fruits. Interestingly, blackcurrant juice saved European children from vitamin C deficiency during World War II. In fact, vitamin C is one of the most vital and potent antioxidants, helping the body to stay healthy, vigorous, and young.
In addition to vitamin C, blackcurrant juice contains many vitamins, such as A, B1, B5, and B6. They also contain minerals such as phosphorus, iron, calcium, copper, and others. Blackcurrant juice is one of the healthiest juices you should definitely include in your diet.

The Benefits of Blackcurrant Juice: What Does The Research Say?
There is no doubt about the health benefits of blackcurrants. However, the specific therapeutic properties of blackcurrants are still under investigation. Although some of the studies results are still quite limited, it is believed that blackcurrants can help:
- Reduce total cholesterol and increase ‘good’ ones.
- Reduce muscle fatigue, especially after active sports.
- Relieve rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, such as tenderness, stiffness, and joint pain.
- Improve blood circulation, especially in peripheral arterial disease.
- To help treat open-angle glaucoma.
- To alleviate female physiological processes (menopause, premenstrual syndrome, painful menstruation).
Blackcurrant Juice for Perfect Brain Function
Another surprising study demonstrated the impact of blackcurrant juice on cerebral activity. Researchers from the New Zealand Institute of Plant and Food Research, in collaboration with the University of Northumbria, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, carried out the study in 2015.
The study involved 36 adults aged between 18 and 35 years. Drinking 250 ml of blackcurrant juice daily improves concentration, reduces mental tension, and improves mood. This is a crucial scientific finding in the search for preventive measures against age-related brain decline. It also offers hope for people with symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and depression. Blackcurrants may have a positive effect on alleviating these conditions.

Blackcurrant Can Help Treat Diseases
The berries have astringent, sweating-inducing, urine-diverting, and thus body-cleansing properties, amongst other numerous benefits. Blackcurrant juice can act as an aid in the treatment of certain illnesses. Also, it helps recover the body.
- The treatment of acute gastrointestinal diseases.
- Duodenal or gastric ulcers.
- Gastritis with reduced gastric acidity.
- Colds, especially of the upper respiratory tract, and cough.
- To stimulate appetite.
- To recover from illnesses, operations, or other immune deficiencies.
Blackcurrant Juice to Enhance Virility?
One of the most unexpected and probably least heard news stories is that blackcurrant juice can help men with potency problems.
That’s according to Professor Aedin Cassidy (Biological Sciences at Queen’s University Belfast, UK). More than 25,000 men attended the large study that lasted 10 years. The subjects consumed blackcurrant berries or juice at least three times a week. It showed that men who regularly consumed blackcurrants were 19% less likely to have problems with potency than men who did not.
According to the professor herself, “some flavonoids, including anthocyanins (which are responsible for the dark color of the berries), which are present in blackcurrants, can improve blood circulation and vascular elasticity, which in turn leads to better health in men.”

How to Make And Consume Blackcurrant Juice?
As mentioned, you will get the most benefits from blackcurrants when they are fresh. Frozen berries also preserve their properties well. Consume the healthiest blackcurrant juice immediately. However, it is also worth stocking up on blackcurrant juice.
Whether you make a glass of freshly squeezed blackcurrant juice for breakfast or storage, you can decide the flavor intensity and the texture richness.
If you like the rich and acidic blackcurrants’ taste, you can drink this juice neat. However, if you prefer a slightly milder flavor, dilute the blackcurrant juice with water to suit your taste. This juice is also perfect as a refreshment. You can also use it to make tea.
We suggest some basic recommendations for making blackcurrant juice.
Freshly Squeezed Blackcurrant Juice
You can preprate freshly squeezed blackcurrant juice using a slow-speed juicer or a cocktail shaker. Depending on the method of juice, the resulting product will vary. However, the choice depends on the available juicing equipment and your taste.
- If you use a juicer, the process will be shorter. You will get a liquid juice without pulp. You can drink it pure, diluted in water, or sweetened.
- If you smash the berries in a cocktail shaker, you will get a blackcurrant puree of thick consistency. You can consume it like a smoothie.
- However, if you prefer a more liquid blackcurrant juice, add water to the blender with the berries (as required).
- If you want juice without pulp, strain it through a sieve.
- If blackcurrant drinks seem too sour, add honey or another natural sweetener.
Blackcurrant for Storage
There are two ways to make blackcurrant juice for storage:
- Refrigeration. Pour the juice into clean plastic bottles and place it in the freezer. You can preserve blackcurrant juice throughout the winter. Take the bottle out of the freezer, thaw it, and enjoy it.
- Pasteurization. Boil the blackcurrant berries in a large water pot for about 20 minutes. Crush the berries through a sieve, strain well, add sugar (to taste), and heat over low heat, but do not let it boil. Pour the prepared juice, while still hot, into clean, airtight containers, allow it to cool to room temperature, and place it in the fridge or cellar.

Blackcurrant And Carrot Juice
Blackcurrant nectar is a fairly common ingredient in recipes for a wide range of soft drinks, cocktails, and other products. These berries’ sour taste fits well with sweet berries and fruits. It is also suitable for ice cream, cakes, and similar desserts. Let’s try mixing blackcurrant juice with your favorite berries or fruit, and you might discover a new favorite flavor.
One such variation may be blackcurrant and carrot juice. This drink is perfect for snacking, brunch, or a quick breakfast idea.
You need:
- 1 glass of blackcurrant berries
- 1 carrot
- Crush the blackcurrant berries. You can leave the pulp on or strain it through a sieve.
- Squeeze the carrot juice with a juicer.
- Mix the blackcurrant and carrot juices. You have two servings of a hearty and healthy drink.
Blackcurrant Juice Can Sometimes Have Side Effects
Be careful with blackcurrant juice or avoid it if:
- You have blood clotting problems or are taking blood thinners. This drink can further slow blood clotting.
- If you are scheduled for surgery, do not drink blackcurrant juice for at least two weeks before and after surgery. This is due to the previously mentioned effects of blackcurrants on blood clotting.
- Limit the consumption of these juice if you have an acidic stomach and heartburn.
- Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using too much blackcurrant juice, as it may have adverse effects on the baby.
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