Some claim that celery juice is a miracle drink that can strengthen the body and cure diseases. More reputable sources say celery juice is not a panacea and should not be overestimated. However, the consensus is that celery is a valuable vegetable, rich in nutrients and health benefits. This juice can become part of a daily diet. When consumed correctly, celery juice can strengthen the body and prevent many diseases.
Celery Is Both A Vegetable and A Spice
Celery belongs to the same plant family as parsley, carrots, dill, and fennel. It originates from the Middle East and the Mediterranean region. The ancient Greeks used it as a spice, and the ancient Chinese used it as a medicine.
Celery is cultivated for its roots, stems, or seeds. Depending on this, the varieties of celery differ slightly. The juiciest part of celery is the stems. That celery we know (with large, crisp, and juicy stalks) was bred at the end of the 18th century.
Celery stalks are popular in soups, stews, sauces, and salads. They can be eaten fresh, steamed, or made into juice.

Nutritional Value of Celery Drinks
Celery juice is a low-calorie, refreshing drink rich in various nutrients. Consumption of this juice can help to ensure fluid balance in the body, enrich it with vitamins and minerals, and fortify it with antioxidants.
Just one cup (240 ml) a day of celery drinks provides the body with 14% of the daily requirement for potassium, 9% of sodium, 8% of calcium, 7% of magnesium, and 5% of phosphorus. A serving of this vegetable juice also contains 74% of the daily requirement of vitamin K, 16% of vitamin C, and 7% of vitamin A. Celery juice is also rich in other nutrients such as zinc, copper, folic acid, biotin, B vitamins, and antioxidants.
A cup of celery juice contains only 9.5 g of carbohydrates, of which 5 g are sugar. Drinking 240 ml of celery beverages will give you only 42.5 calories.
Benefits of Celery Juice
Celery juice enriches the body with essential nutrients and has health benefits. The antioxidants apigenin and luteolin in celery are anti-inflammatory and may help treat and/or prevent chronic inflammatory diseases. This plant juice is an “ingredient” in a complete and balanced diet.
One or two cups a day of fresh celery juice can:
- Strengthen the body’s antioxidant defenses. A diet enriched with antioxidants is the best way to prevent chronic diseases. The antioxidants in celery juice can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other oncological diseases. It also slows down the aging process and improves skin conditions.
- Enhance anti-inflammatory effects. This juice is rich in plant compounds called phytonutrients, which have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Consumption of celery juice can help suppress inflammatory processes caused by chronic diseases.
- Ensure adequate fluid intake. Inadequate fluid intake is a common problem for modern men. However, a proper fluid balance is vital for the body to ensure that all bodily functions work well. Celery juice can help to maintain a fluid balance in the body and prevent dehydration.
- Help control sugar and calorie intake. One cup (240 ml) of celery juice contains only 5 g of sugar and 42.5 calories. This makes it a much healthier choice than other fruit or berry juices. Drinking celery juice once or twice a day instead of sweeter and more calorific beverages can also help reduce your overall calorie intake.

Celery Juice Is A Friend of Healthy Gut
The antioxidants luteolin and pyrroloquinoline quinone in celery have an anti-inflammatory effect on the gut. Thus, celery juice may be beneficial for people with intestinal problems.
Unfiltered celery juice is a source of fiber. These substances are essential for smoothing digestion and preventing digestive disorders.
Scientists studied the benefits of celery juice for the gut microbiota. Although human studies are still lacking, one 12-week study in mice showed promising results. It was found that supplementing a diet high in fatty foods with celery increases the number of good gut bacteria. This leads to better absorption of nutrients and digestion.
Celery Drink Detoxifies The Body—Truth or Myth?
Does celery beverages have the power to detoxify the body and help shed unnecessary kilos? Opinions on this issue are divided into two camps. Some argue that celery juice can do it all—it can cleanse toxins, help you lose weight, and treat chronic diseases. Critics of this view argue that this absolutization of the benefits of celery juice is not sufficiently backed up by scientific research and is more of a fashion statement.
There are many sources of information suggesting that celery juice improves health and cleanses the body. Opponents point out that detoxifying juice diets can be counterproductive and detrimental to health. It is pointed out that celery juice contains organic acids (oxalates). When consumed in large quantities, it can damage the kidneys.
It is also pointed out that detoxifying juice diets can lead to malnutrition. This can result in various health problems.
In conclusion, celery juice is a healthy choice when consumed in moderation. The most vital thing is to maintain a healthy and balanced diet and engage in physical activity. Otherwise, you should not expect a miracle from celery drinks alone.

Celery Juice: Preparation, Consumption, and Storage
Enrich your diet with fresh, homemade celery juice. All you need for a beverage is a few celery stalks and a juicing machine. The easiest way to prepare this juice is with a juicer. You can also use a food processor or a cocktail blender.
- If you use a juicer, it will do all the work for you. Add 3–4 celery stalks, extract the juice, and drink.
- When you use a food processor, you should crush the celery leaves first, then strain the mixture through a sieve. This also leaves more fiber in juice, making it more beneficial for digestion.
If you don’t like the taste, add your favorite additives. Apples, cucumbers, carrots, ginger, lemon, and fresh mint are acceptable with celery. Also, try not to use celery leaves in the juice, as they add bitterness.
Celery juice is most useful when it is fresh. So, drink it only when freshly pressed or within 24 hours of production. Refrigerate the juice, preferably in a glass, closed container. It is not advisable to freeze celery stalks, as they lose some of their nutritional value when thawed.

Celery Juice Is Fine for Many People, but There Are Some Exceptions
For people without specific health problems, celery juice is safe to consume. Some people may experience a laxative effect after taking celery beverages. This is a typical reaction that normalizes quickly. Regular use of celery juice may even normalize bowel movements over time, especially if you have had problems with them.
There are also some risks for people with specific contraindications. Please consult your doctor for advice on the use of celery juice and the safe amount in these situations:
- Taking blood pressure medication. The high celery sodium content may harm the action of these medicines.
- You have irritable bowel syndrome. This contraindication means that your body may not tolerate celery drinks. This may lead to bloating and indigestion.
- You are allergic to plants belonging to the celery family. Allergies may manifest as skin reactions and digestive and/or respiratory problems. In rare cases, an allergic reaction can lead to the life-threatening condition of anaphylactic shock.
Associative photos from © Canva.