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Rhubarb Juice Maintains Healthy Skin and Bones. What Other Benefits and Hazards Does It Have? 

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Rhubarb juice

Rhubarb is a vegetable and a plant with a long and intriguing history. Nowadays, originally cultivated as a medicinal plant, rhubarb is mostly used in cooking. Rhubarb juice is one of its few uses in the food industry. It is characterized by its unique flavor and beneficial properties. We will tell you what makes rhubarb juice unique and what it combines to balance the flavor. 

Rhubarb: Flavor and Culinary Properties 

Bakers commonly use rhubarb in sweet baked goods because of its unique, sour, astringent flavor, which combines well with the sweetness of muffins or cakes. A rarer choice is rhubarb juice because of its distinctive taste, but you shouldn’t drink it pure. You can try combinations with other juices or use them as an additive to smoothies, refreshing summer drinks, etc. 

You can mix rhubarb juice with alternative fruit juices such as apple, strawberry, or orange to achieve a balanced taste. In addition, you can sweeten it with honey or sugar to reduce its natural acidity. 

Interestingly, rhubarb juice is often used as a base for pickling or even as a sauce for various dishes, as its acidity helps to mellow and enhance the flavor of meat. 

Rhubarb juice benefits

Health Benefits of Rhubarb Juice 

Rhubarb juice is not only refreshing but also health-promoting. The juice is a natural source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. The health benefits of rhubarb are manifold, from glowing skin to stronger bones. 

Below, we will briefly mention the benefits of rhubarb juice for our body. 

Rhubarb Juice for Healthy Bones 

Rhubarb juice is an outstanding provider of vitamin K. This vitamin is essential for blood clotting, so a deficiency can lead to blood clotting problems. In addition, vitamin K is extremely crucial for bone health and strength. It is a contributing factor in the metabolism of calcium, which supports adequate bone density and minimizes the risk of bone fractures. One of the most efficient combinations is rhubarb juice with pineapple juice. This provides a delicate balance of flavors and additional health benefits because this combination prevents osteoporosis and other bone diseases. 

Rhubarb Juice for Sturdy Immunity 

The taste of rhubarb juice shows us an incredible source of vitamin C. This vitamin has long been valued for its immune-boosting and antioxidant properties. Vitamin C helps to protect cells from oxidative stress and thus reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Rhubarb juice also helps to keep the skin healthy, youthful, glowing, and healthy-looking for longer. 

Rhubarb: a source of minerals

Rhubarb Is A Source of Minerals

However, rhubarb juice is rich in vitamins and minerals (calcium and iron). Calcium ensures bone health; it maintains bone density and reduces the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. 

And iron is indispensable and vital for our bodies because it is involved in red blood cell development. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia and its consequences, such as weakened immunity, fatigue, weakness, and frequent illnesses. The vitamin C in rhubarb juice helps to improve iron absorption, making it an excellent choice for those suffering from iron deficiency. 

Rhubarb Juice for A Healthy Digestive System 

The benefits of rhubarb juice for digestive health are twofold. On the one hand, it is rich in fiber, essential for the smooth operation of the digestive system. On the other hand, rhubarb has a reputation as a natural laxative. 

The fibers in rhubarb stimulate intestinal peristalsis, help prevent constipation, and maintain regular bowel movements. In addition, dietary fiber helps to maintain a healthy intestinal microflora, which is essential for immune function and overall digestive health. 

More concentrated rhubarb juice or larger quantities of it helps with constipation. It is highly effective and can be an excellent alternative to medication. 

Rhubarb for A Healthy Heart 

Rhubarb juice can be beneficial for cardiovascular health and preventing heart disease. In particular, it helps to control blood cholesterol levels; the fiber helps to reduce ‘bad’ (LDL) cholesterol. This low-density lipid cholesterol is responsible for many cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, lower cholesterol levels in the blood reduce the risk of these diseases. 

Potassium in rhubarb drinks is an essential mineral for blood pressure regulation. It helps to balance the impacts of sodium in the body and thus reduce blood pressure. Consequently, lower blood pressure decreases the risk of hypertension and heart disease and ensures good heart health. 

Rhubarb juice for heart

Rhubarb Juice for Blood Sugar Control 

Rhubarb juice has a significantly low glycaemic index and, unlike many other fruit or vegetable juices, does not raise blood sugar levels as quickly. In addition, the fiber in rhubarb helps to slow down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, which helps to keep blood sugar levels stable. This makes rhubarb juice suitable for people with or at risk of diabetes. 

Side Effects of Rhubarb Juice 

Unfortunately, despite all its beneficial properties, rhubarb can be more harmful than harmless for some people. Rhubarb is particularly rich in calcium oxalate. Extremely high amounts of this acid can lead to a relatively worrying condition called hyperoxaluria—an accumulation of calcium oxalates in various organs. This can lead to the formation of kidney stones in the long term. Therefore, even for people with optimal health, neither rhubarb nor its juice should be abused. 

Similarly, if your body is hypersensitive to rhubarb products or other vegetables rich in calcium oxalates (e.g., spinach, sorrel, green beans, broccoli), it is better not to consume rhubarb at all.

It should also be used with caution by people suffering from digestive disorders. Especially, if you have diarrhea, because this juice has a laxative effect. 

How to Make Rhubarb Juice? 

Making rhubarb juice is effortless. After making it, you can mix it with other fruit juices such as strawberry, apple, orange, and pineapple. Mixing rhubarb juice with sparkling water will give you an incredibly refreshing and tasty drink on a hot summer’s day. If you add mint leaves or ice cubes, you can enjoy the incredible aroma. 

You can also blend rhubarb beverages with alcoholic cocktails. They go well with gin or tequila, especially with added agave syrup or grenadine. 

Rhubarb juice: how to prepare it?


  • 500 g rhubarb 
  • 1 cup of sugar 
  • 1 l of water 


  1. Wash the rhubarb well and cut it into small pieces. 
  2. Mix all the ingredients, place in a saucepan, and let it boil. Cook this mixture over low heat for about 15 minutes. 
  3. Strain the cooled juice into a clean container. It is recommended to use a kitchen towel or similar mashing tool to avoid the rhubarb becoming pulpy. 
  4. It is recommended to store the prepared juice in the fridge. 



Associative photos from © Canva. 

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